domingo, 9 de enero de 2011

Puerto Rico Young Democrats Statement on Arizona Congresswoman Giffords Shooting

by Phillip H. Arroyo
Sunday, January 9, 2011

My heart goes out to the family and loved ones of Congresswoman Giffords and all of those whose lives were cowardly taken today in Arizona.On behalf of the Puerto Rico Young Democrats, I wish to convey our condolences to the Arizona Young Democrats, to those who have perished and a speedy recovery for Congresswoman Giffords.We need her in Congress to continue to give the good fight! A great man said it best immediately after the shooting of Dr. Martin Luther King:

"What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness; but love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another" - Robert " Bobby" Kennedy

Let us hold close these words and emphasize them to those who incite intolerance, hatred and violence voluntarily or involuntarily through their words and rhetoric.....

Que Dios bendiga a la Congresista Giffords y todas las victimas........

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